Case studies

Case studies

Find out more about how we’ve helped businesses across all industries - from Manufacturing to Med Tech - quantify and analyse environmental impacts to put sustainability at the heart of their strategies.

Sustainability consulting

IEC Carbon Footprint

Great news – we have developed a Carbon Footprint tool to speed up our bespoke in house Carbon Footprinting calculations! A Carbon Footprint measures the total amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by a business and breaks them down into scope…

Sustainability consulting

Saving the planet and money!

Like so many business, Engleburn Care Home were aware of the importance of becoming more sustainable, but didn’t know where to start.

Sustainability consulting

Saving lives sustainability

We are so proud to have supported and empowered Airway Medical to run a Carbon Neutral Project, helping them achieve their mission of saving lives sustainably. A Carbon Neutral Project is one where the carbon emissions resulting from the project…

Sustainability consulting

Sustainability at the Strawberry Line Cafe and Cycle Line

The Strawberry Line Café and Cycle Line is a Community Interest Company dedicated to creating meaningful employment opportunities for adults with learning disabilities. The Café is based in Yatton and has been serving the community since 2010. In 2016, the Strawberry Line...

1. Talk to us

Tell us about your business’ progress and challenges.

2. Get a plan

We’ll determine where your business is and the next steps to take.

3. Next step

We’ll support and guide you on your Sustainability Journey.